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Forest Goes Snow Skiing

Forest Goes Snow Skiing

$3.99 inc. tax + shipping

Big Huggable Dog on Skies?  Forest is scared but will he overcome it.  Jump into this adventure and see what else Forest decides to try.  Have you ever been scared to try something new?  Let your imagination run wild.  Great read for grades pre-k thru 3rd.



A full color picture book……Grandpa  and the big lovable dog practice snow skiing on a grassy slope on Grandpa’s farm. They crash into a lump there but wait until you see them on real snow slopes.  A deer gets …….well….you’ll see. Forest and granddaughter Brittant fly down the hills. They poop out and Grandpa carries them back to the cabin. Grandpa poops out once as well. Rabbits even laugh at the snowy newcomers and you will too.
